Inverter Schneider Altivar Variable Speed Drive 2.2 kW ATV320U22N4C
This Altivar 320 variable speed drive can feed 3-phase synchronous and asynchronous motors. Its compact form factor allows vertical stacking of drives inside machine frames. It works at a rated power up to 2.2kW / 3hp and a rated voltage from 380V to 500V AC. Its robust design with IEC 60721-3-3 class 3C3 coated printed circuit boards allows to extend machine availability in harsh environmental conditions, for example at ambient temperatures of up to 60°C without the need of additional cooling. It incorporates functions suitable for the most common applications, including torque and speed accuracy at very low speed, high dynamic performance with flux vector control without sensor and extended frequency range for high-speed motors.
Inverter Schneider Altivar Variable Speed Drive 2.2 kW ATV320U22N4C
Range of product | Altivar Machine ATV320 |
product or component type | Variable speed drive |
Product specific application | Complex machines |
variant | Standard version With disconnect switch |
Format of the drive | Compact |
mounting mode | Wall mount |
Communication port protocol | Modbus serial CANopen |
Option card | Communication module, CANopen Communication module, EtherCAT Communication module, Profibus DP V1 Communication module, PROFINET Communication module, Ethernet Powerlink Communication module, EtherNet/IP Communication module, DeviceNet |
[Us] rated supply voltage | 380…500 V – 15…10 % |
Nominal output current | 5.5 A |
Motor power kW | 2.2 kW for heavy duty |
EMC filter | Class C2 EMC filter integrated |
IP degree of protection | IP20 |
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