ACB Schneider Masterpact NW10 1000A 3P 65kA NW10H13F2EH

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ACB Schneider Masterpact NW10 1000A 3P 65kA NW10H13F2EH

ACB Schneider Masterpact NW10 1000A 3P 65kA NW10H13F2EH circuit breakers are equipped with MicroLogic control units that offer built-in power and energy metering in addition to basic or advanced protection functions. The range comes with a wide choice of standardized accessories. The universal design of the MasterPact circuit breaker line allows most accessories to be used across the entire line. It enables standardization of electrical switchboards by providing peace of mind in terms of choice, installation, and operation.


MasterPact NW circuit breakers contribute to reliability and continuity of service of your electrical installation thanks to:

Optimized safety

  • Faultless protection
  • Increased uptime with improved coordination with MicroLogic electronic trip unit adjustability
  • Complete selectivity and coordination
  • High resistance to environmental stresses

Integrated monitoring for energy efficiency

  • Improved uptime with complete monitoring solution in Smart Panels
  • Seamless integration into power monitoring systems enabling to track energy consumption trends, anticipate potential damage and improve network reliability
  • Local and remote communication with trip cause (earth leakage, overload, short-circuit) and alarms (earth leakage, overload) allowing proactive operational and energy efficiency
  • Advanced MicroLogic control unit can assist in providing corrective, preventive and predictive maintenance, and energy management to identify potential savings: energy consumption data, operation follow-up, network monitoring, preventative and predictive maintenance information, pre-alarm and alarm events

MasterPact NW is a part of EcoStruxure Power – Schneider Electric’s open, interoperable, IoT-enabled system architecture.


General applications in all types of low voltage electrical installations

Suitable in most applications for protection, measurement, monitoring and quality of energy, including generator protection and motor protection, in standard applications and specific applications demanding high performance, including:

  • Industry: mining operations, minerals, metals, and cement production, water & wastewater industry, automotive, food and beverage, etc.
  • Oil & Gas extraction and processing, Chemicals industries
  • Data centers infrastructure
  • Healthcare infrastructure, hospitals
  • Marine and offshore industry
  • Infrastructures: airports, railways, subways, tunnels, power plants, etc.
  • Buildings: commercial buildings, hotels, offices
  • Wind turbines, solar, gensets

Tipe : NW10
In (A) : 1000
Icu (kA): 65
Refrensi : NW10H13F2EH

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