Schneider RCCB Residual Current Circuit Breaker ID 16763
Schneider RCCB ID 16763
- Nominal current: 1 to 125 A
- 30mA sensitivity: additional protection against direct contact (in accordance with IEC 364)
- 100, 300, 500 mA sensitivities: additional protection against fire and indirect contact (in accordance with IEC 364)
- B type: protection of installations with three-phase rectifier
- Type “si”: protection of sensitive circuits (computing equipment) and those prone to disturbances (ballast lighting, power electronics)
- Selective version : tripping of the device the closest to the fault
- Compliance with standards: IEC EN 61008 certified by national official authorities
- Suitable for isolation in accordance with industrial standards: IEC 60947
- Operating voltage: up to 440Vac, insulation voltage: 500V
- Optional auxiliaries: indication of state and tripping, shunt trip, undervoltage trip, overvoltage trip
Quality without boundaries
The ID-RCCB residual current devices are simply natural complements to C60 and C120 circuit-breakers.
The “si” type ID-RCCBs are completely immune to disturbances, thus providing unequalled peace of mind.
Protection, in all industrial and tertiary buildings, against:
- electrocution (in accordance with installation standards IEC 364 and national standards)
- the risk of fire due to leakage currents into building materials
range | Acti 9 |
product name | Acti9 RCCB-ID |
product or component type | Residual current circuit breaker (RCCB) |
device short name | RCCB-ID |
poles description | 4P |
neutral position | Left |
[In] rated current | 125 A |
network type | AC |
earth-leakage sensitivity | 30 mA |
earth-leakage protection time delay | Instantaneous |
earth-leakage protection class | Type B |
rated breaking and making capacity | Im = 1250 A conforming to IEC 61008 |
rated conditional short-circuit current | Inc 10 kA 125 A |
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