Oli Mesin Kapal Eni Cladium 400 ID SAE 30
eni CLADIUM 400 ID is a lubricant formulated with high quality base stocks, developed for the lubrication of 4-stroke diesel engines, which for high sulfur content in the fuel used and for the particular operating conditions require a lubricant with a base number (BN) particularly high.
Oli Mesin Kapal Eni Cladium 400 ID SAE 30
The formulation of eni CLADIUM 400 ID is designed with particular detergent characteristics capable of effectively preventing the formation of lacquers and carbon deposits in the areas of the pistons exposed to high temperatures, thus avoid rings sticking.
It has enough alkalinity reserve to efficiently combat the formation of acid mists resulting from the use of very-high sulphur fuel oils. This reserve is also particularly useful in engines exhibiting especially low oil consumption or operating at such low liner temperatures as to favour sulphuric acid condensation.
Its antiwear properties make this product also suitable to lubricate main engine reduction gear units.
The product has antifoam properties that reduce the formation of air bubbles, this allows the formation of a continuous oil film.
The demulsive characteristics of eni CLADIUM 400 ID allows an easy separation of water by centrifugation.
eni CLADIUM 400 ID is specifically recommended for application in 4-stroke Diesel engines operating with high sulphur content in the fuel or for frequent low temperatures operation, which require a high base number (BN) lubricant. The product is also recommended for the lubrication of 4-stroke diesel engines, which due to the particular operating condition (low power delivered or stop and go), can induce the formation of acid condensation on the cylinders surfaces
eni CLADIUM 400 ID provides excellent performance even for engines fueled with distillate fuel, which run continuously in full power conditions. The product makes it possible to unify the lubrication requests in the cases in which there is a fleet of engines fueled partly by heavy fuel oil and the remaining part with distillate fuel
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