Schneider EcoStruxure Building Operation

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Schneider EcoStruxure Building Operation

Schneider EcoStruxure Building Operation

A truly open, end-to-end IP solution to maximize opportunities in today’s data-intensive modern buildings; IP delivers:

  • Faster, more reliable communication
  • Higher bandwidth for more data-throughput
  • Easier support; lower deployment and operation costs
  • Greater architecture design flexibility
  • Access to cloud and connected service offers

Exceptional user experience with anytime, anywhere access to increase efficiency and convenience

  • Personalized user interfaces and dashboards
  • Attractive, scalable vector graphics
  • Comprehensive reports, trends, alarms, notifications & schedules

Data management and visualization tools to make smarter insight-based decisions

  • Customizable charts and graphs to convey massive amounts of data to broad audiences
  • Built-in dashboards for easier monitoring and speedier decision making
  • Access to data directly within EcoStruxure Building Operation without need for third-party tools
  • More information stored and accessed; unlimited historical information migrated to external Timescale Database

Engineer and commission faster than ever before

  • Multi-version support to upgrade systems all at once or over time piece-by-piece
  • Standard, configurable applications eliminate the need to design and build an application from the ground up
  • More than 30 applications included to easily integrate with the new Connected Room Solution
  • New semantic tagging functionality makes future software development easier

Ensure systems remain current with standards and performance requirements

  • New 64-bit architecture meets higher performance requirements, especially in large deployments
  • Product development follows a Secure Development Lifecycle process


  • HVAC Control
  • Lighting Control
  • Energy Management
  • Fire Safety
  • Security & Access Control
  • Workplace Management Systems
  • Compatible with Schneider Electric or third-party building systems

EcoStruxure Building is the open innovation platform of buildings – a collaborative IoT solution that is scalable, secure and global to create smart and future-ready buildings. It ensures customers’ smart buildings are even more connected, hyper-efficient, truly sustainable, and always simple.
EcoStruxure Building Operation seamlessly facilitates the secure exchange of data from both Schneider Electric and third-party energy, lighting, HVAC, fire safety, security, and workplace management systems while leveraging digitization and big data.
Our IP-enabled software (and hardware) address the entire building ecosystem with easy integration of devices, other building systems, and cloud services, delivering the performance and data-throughput needed for small buildings to large, complex multi-site enterprises.
EcoStruxure Building Operation delivers:

  • A truly mobile experience: access building data anytime, anywhere on smartphones, tablets or laptops
  • Visibility into large campuses and global enterprise in one convenient view
  • Time- and labor-saving features to increase operational efficiency
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